We’ve seen a lot of desperation as the world (and US) economy tanks in the wake of the mortgage-loss pyramid scheme crash. We’ve heard a lot of hyperbole and rhetoric from the candidates who want to replace Bush-Cheney as President and Vice-President of the United States. This is The Week That Was, votes will be counted tomorrow night, and we should know sometime in the wee hours of Wednesday which of the contestants gets the erstwhile “prize.”
As Wall Street began its precipitous fall, Republican candidate John McCain was busy informing the nation that the ‘fundamentals’ of our economy are strong. No, they aren’t strong, they’re utter failures after years of massive tax cuts to the wealthy, heavy borrowing to support two wars, and the “Unfettered Free Market” [TM] frenzy allowed by blanket de-regulation of the banking and investment sectors.
To get an idea of just how outrageous things had gotten, consider the so-called “Mortgage Meltdown” that took so many once-staid capitalist houses into ruin. We all know that housing prices had ballooned in most urban areas of the country, a ‘bubble’ sustained by the practice of lending to workers whose incomes haven’t seen even a minimal rise in more than 30 years, for houses that cost easily twice as much as they could hope to afford and three times what they were actually worth. Many of these loans were made with specific criminal intent to skim fees off the top, and saddled with adjustable interest rates that worked just like time bombs to force people into bankruptcy.
Knowing that these time bombs would explode X number of years down the line, the banks and futures traders on Wall Street invented a new paper vehicle called “Credit Default Swaps” for the express purpose of betting on strapped families defaulting on their mortgages. [Greenspan Slept as Off-Books Debt Escaped Scrutiny]These are an insurance vehicle, insurance to be paid out to the holders of the policies on bad mortgages. And those policies – as “Credit Default Swaps” were sold and resold hundreds of times. This is what led corporate insurance giant AIG to be one of the first Big-Time Players to fail, our government moved right in to nationalize it.
This situation is a prime example of the philosophy of “Privatizing the Profits, Socializing the Losses.” It’s a bail-out to rich gamblers necessitated by unregulated greed. Pure and simple. Look at how it worked…
The number of risky, possibly criminal, largely ARM mortgages in the US that have or soon will default amounts to approximately 1% of all the mortgages outstanding. The re-insurance scam ended up valuing these mortgages at 5 times the annual Gross Domestic Product of the entire world. They were of course never worth anywhere close to that much, this is just the amount of insurance pay-outs once they DID default. And default they did, that brought Wall Street – and the world markets which participated in the scam – to their knees.
Despite the fact that candidate McCain did not seem to have the slightest grasp on the impending doom (his chief financial advisor Phil Gramm famously called people concerned about the situation “whiners”), his tax promises to the nation if elected is still to maintain George W. Bush’s blanket tax cuts to the top 2% of wealthy citizens and corporate giants. Democratic challenger Barack Obama would reverse this situation by taxing the rich and giving significant tax cuts to the middle classes. Even to the point of eliminating income taxes altogether on seniors who make less than $50,000 a year.
McCain of course calls this tax-the-rich situation “Socialism,” as if that’s as scary a word these days as it was back in the ’50s. It is not. All governments receive taxes and use them to support infrastructure, public education and other social programs, thus all government is essentially socialist at heart. The fine points always apply to who pays the taxes and gets the benefits of governmental largesse.
CNNMoney recently published an article about the different tax plans of the candidates, along with a breakdown of just how much your taxes will go up or down according to your income. McCain, Obama and your tax bill is recommended reading for everyone out there who hasn’t already voted, and is concerned about the recession/depression that we now know will last more than a year.
Then get out there and vote on November 4th, as if your way of life depended on it – because it does!
McCain, Obama and your tax bill
Greenspan Slept as Off-Books Debt Escaped Scrutiny
Economists see recession through 2009